Most Loving God, in the world today the words love and hate are tossed about carelessly and have lost their intensity. The phrase “I love you” is more often used to get what someone wants rather than convey its truest meaning. And the words “I hate you” are often used for their shock value or to make a point. It has become increasing unclear when people describe You as a loving God who hates sin. To make You fit into the world’s view of a loving being, You are pictured as gentle and kind – more like a patsy or a push over. The concept of Your hate is tempered by one’s own wishful thinking. What I must come to grips with is the fact that Your hatred is real – burning, consuming, and devastating. And that Your hatred is focused on sin which calls You to righteously judge those who defy You. Your love is real too. So real that You sent Your only Son to save me and accept judgement in my place.
Reality is that You hate sin but love the sinner … and I should follow Your lead. Your judgement only comes after countless chances to repent and return to You in true devotion and obedience. In Your words, You said Your desire for me is “to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Your God.” While accepting Your judgement as fair, I cannot forget that You will always treasure and love those who follow Your lead and show You respect. As I read Your Word, I get a glimpse of Your anger as You judge sin. On the other hand, I see Your love in action as You offer eternal life to those who repent of their sins and believe in Your Son as their Redeemer. You have called me to join the faithful believers who are willing to live in accordance with Your will. I am encouraged by the fact that You are willing to pardon the sins of anyone who will repent. I must never be foolish enough to substitute anything for my loyalty to You.
To be a recipient of Your love, I must be willing to love others the way You love me. I dare not ask You to help me while ignoring others who are needy or are being taken advantage of. I cannot condone the action of those who abuse or take advantage of their brothers. Evidence of You in my life becomes evident whenever I am willing to submit to Your authority and do Your will. I can live in Your peace when I turn my back on sin and welcome You into my heart. To escape the hold that sin has on me I must hate it. Hate it so much that I turn my back on it and do not respond to its beckoning calls. I must put You first and reject the allures of sin. True faith in You produces the kindness, compassion, and humility You are looking for in a “true” believer. Help me Lord to love the things that You love and hate the things that You hate. And it’s in Jesus’ Name I pray. AMEN!!
John 15:9 “As the Father has loved me, so do I love You. Now remain in my love.”