Love is the Key

Glory and honor be to You, My Prince, for You have left no room for interpretation when You commanded me to love.  Your first commandment calls me to love You with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind.  And Your second is like the first in that You instruct me to love my neighbor as myself.  In these commands, You have summarized all of the law.  But sometimes, despite my best intentions, I fall short.  I understand that if I become embittered with myself, my neighbor or You, I have missed the mark regarding Your greatest command … to love.  I know that I can only get back into Your good graces if I cleanse myself of the negative feelings that separate me from relationship with You or others.  You have taught me that love is the foundation on which I am to build my relationships on earth and in Heaven.  Forgiving is not easy, but for me it is the road I must travel in order to receive Your forgiveness.  Additionally, You’ve made me see that bitterness is at the core of evil … whether in thoughts or action.  Fill my heart with Your love so that bitterness and hatred can find no place.                         

It is my goal in life to gain a better understanding of the breadth, width, height and depth of Your love because, if I do, I will learn more about You and my mission on earth.  And, if I do not manifest Your love, I am for the most part useless to You and Your goals for me on earth.  I understand that because You love me, I must love others … because You hold no grudges toward me, I am to hold no grudges either … and, because You accept me with all of my imperfections then I must accept others along with their imperfections.  True love is like a fire that cannot be put out.  Within it can be found deep emotion, selflessness, true concern, a real connection and abounding trust.  Fill me with this kind of love.

I have learned from You that love must be cultivated, supported and protected.  It is tender, yet it’s bond is stronger than glue.  I have seen that an ounce of love, given at the right time, can cure a pound of heartache and pain.  To be a true Christian and follower of Yours, I must possess true brotherly love in my heart.  I know I will have attained true love when the happiness, security and development of another become a greater driving force than the one to attain those things for myself.  I’ve come to understand that the core value in love is giving.  It is not based on what I can get, but it is rooted in what I can give … it is not measured by what I get, but what it costs me to give.  I must always remember that whatever I have to say to another person must be the truth spoken in love.  I believe that other’s concept of You is based on what they see of You in me.  Therefore, I know that love is the key to living and witnessing for You.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

I John 4:7-8 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.  Whoever does not love does not know God because God is love.

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