Making Choices

O Gracious Lord, it has become very clear to me that I am responsible for all of my choices.  Whether to obey You, who has proven Yourself trustworthy, or obey the ways of the world, listen to myself, or fall for the deceits of the enemy.  I have found it easy to slip into a quiet rebellion … going about my life in my own way.  But there does come a time when events and circumstances cause me to make a choice on who or what will control me.  Your gift of choice is mine to use.  Will I choose You, my own limited self or some other imperfect substitute?  My decision must be followed with a daily affirmation of my choice by the way I think and act.  You hold me accountable for each choice I make.  When I profess You as Lord, I must understand that I am giving You control over my life and I must be willing to live by Your standards.  The way I live shows others the strength and commitment I have toward my choice.

Joshua, in speaking to the children of Israel, made a request of them “choose for yourselves this day, who you will serve” … and then he gave them this choice (testing them) “whether the gods of your forefathers or the gods of the Amorites?” … and then he proclaimed the better choice “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  That proclamation had a profound effect on those who were straddling the fence.  Their reply was “Far be it from us to forsake the Lord to serve other gods.” (Joshua 24:15-18)  Their swift decision came as they were reminded of the many great works God had done to deliver, guide and prosper them.  Their decision was a no brainer in light of God’s faithfulness and neither is mine.  I must never take my choice of making You My Lord for granted.  And each day I must act like You are the most important thing in my life.

Additionally, there are some other very important choices that I must make as well.  One is “what to do?”  You have brought me into this world for a purpose.  Do I know what it is and am I doing my best to live it out?  Then there is the choice of who to love.  Loving You is a decision I’ve already made.  I’ve chosen the person with whom I’ll spend my life.  I love my country and obey its laws.  However, You’ve called me to another love … that is to love my neighbor as I love myself.  That one will definitely take some work.  Then there is the choice of what to hope for.  What do I want my tomorrows to be like?  What things do I want to change?  What do I want to strive for?  And there’s how to show others I care?  Is it spending time … giving financial help … prayers?  There are so many things to think about and decide.  I need Your help in making the right ones.  And its’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Philippines 1:21-24 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.  If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me.  Yet what shall I choose?  I do not know!  I am torn between the two:  I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.  Convinced of this, I know I will remain …

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