Most Learned Savior, while the Devil tries to convince me that Your Word is too hard to comprehend, You have declared that it is not too difficult to understand nor too demanding that it is beyond my reach to attain. While it may not be easily understood by the carnal mind, when I invoke the intervention and involvement of the Holy Spirit, He will make the Scriptures clear to me. I am grateful that You have written Your Word upon my heart and allowed me to speak it so others will be drawn to You. Your words are words of encouragement, growth, and maturity. As I learn to walk in Your ways and obey Your laws and decrees, I know that my love for You will grow. If my heart turns away from You, I will be on a path to ruin and destruction. You have set before me the choices of life and death … blessings and curses … and now the choice is mine. You are life and blessings, so the choice is easy.
You have stated in Your Word that the road to change comes through the renewing of my mind. During my life, the ways of the world, the yearnings of my flesh and the deceits of my enemy have filled my thinking. To follow You, those thoughts must be replaced with Your thoughts and ways. The whole process of renewal starts with me offering myself as a “living sacrifice” dedicated solely to You. I must resolve to no longer be conformed to the world, what others think or what the Devil says because these ways are normally motivated by selfishness and lead me to sin. My refusal must go further than my behaviors and customs. I must open myself to the Holy spirit and allow Him to renew, reeducate and redirect my thinking in ways that help me live righteously and separate me from evil. You have a plan for me and want me to live honoring and obeying You. Again, the choice seems to be an easy one.
You have said of Yourself that You are “the way and the truth and the life.” And further You declare that “no one comes to the Father except through me.” This is one of the most basic and important passages in the Scriptures. By uniting my life with Yours I am uniting it with the Father. If I can trust You to take me to the Father, all the benefits of becoming His child accrue to me. While some may argue that this path is too narrow, I see it as plenty wide. My heart cries out from within me saying “Thank You God, for providing me with a sure path to spending eternity with You.” As the way, You are my only path to the Father and an eternal home. As the truth, You show me how to attain righteousness and open the doors to perpetual blessings. As the life, You join Your divine life with mine, now and in the future. This too seems like an easy choice. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!!
Deuteronomy 31:19 I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life …