Your title “Lord” is not merely a title of respect, but an acknowledgment of my relationship with You. I belong to You like a servant belongs to his master. You own the rights to me because You bought me with the price of Your blood which covers the cost of the redeeming my fallen estate. The pledge I’ve made in return is that I will depart from iniquity and submit to Your guidance. Therefore, whenever I declare You as My Lord, I am professing Your leadership in every aspect of my life. To claim the salvation You earned for me, I must declare with my mouth that You are My Lord … believe with my whole heart that You are the Son of God sent to redeem me … and, be willing to obey Your commands and ordinances. Because I have placed You at the center of my life, I must be willing to walk as You walked … selfless, caring, generous, forgiving and loving unconditionally.
Even in the mundane matters of my life, I must be willing to do them and seek Your guidance in performing them. Following You means not being slothful, lustful, self-serving or judgmental. Obedience to Your will and ways is essential to my Christianity and well-being. I must devote myself to being among the best of Your followers, a devoted spouse, a caring parent, a helpful believer, a trusted friend and a devoted citizen. It requires that I give up worldly ways … seek holiness … and fully submit to Your wishes. No longer can I make place for my flesh … rather, separating myself for loving service to You and others. Every day that I live, I want to live for You and, when the need comes for me to leave this earth, I want to spend eternity with You. Some find it hard to give up their fleshly yearnings and the trappings of the world, but I am not one of them.
You have given to me the perfect example of servanthood. You were not accepted by Your own … You came as a lowly babe, born in a manger … You performed great service for all who came to You … and, You were condemned to death for sins You did not commit. As a result of Your obedience and loving sacrifice, I’ve been blessed with marvelous gifts and have been given opportunities to overcome the things that try to overwhelm me. Isn’t all of this reason enough to make You My Lord? I cannot wait for the day when You will come again to be enthroned as King over all of the earth. And, in that day, there shall be One Lord and every knee shall bow in honor to You. In rising from the dead, You confirmed once and for all that You are the Son of God. May everything that I say or do bring You glory and make You Lord of my life. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
II Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm and sealed with this inscription: ”The Lord knows those who are His.” Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.