I praise You, O Lord, because I am not alone in facing the trials of daily life. I am content because I see life through Your eyes . . . eyes of faith, where nothing is impossible, if I will believe. I am focused on You and what I am supposed to do rather than seeking what the world offers or what my flesh wants. Help me keep my priorities straight and my heart thankful for all You’ve given me. I do not want to become preoccupied with the temporal things of this earth … rather, concentrate on the things of Your kingdom which are eternal. When I feel empty or unfulfilled, I promise to seek You and allow You to fill me with the things I need to prevail. I know that my contentment is totally based on seeing things through Your perspective, priorities and power … through which all things are possible.
I acknowledge that the power I receive from my union with You is sufficient to enable me to do Your will and face the challenges that inevitably will come my way. I also know that You withhold Your power when I have the abilities to accomplish the objective set before me. As I move forward in faith, I know I will face all manner of troubles, pressures and trials but I am assured that Your strength will be there when mine fails or is not sufficient to prevail. I will draw upon Your wisdom because You are the keeper of the answers to all things. As I move forward with my life, I remain committed to Your Word for my direction and guidance. As I maintain a faith that trusts You with solutions to all of my problems, I grow more confident and my strength is super-charged so I can prevail.
As I begin each day with You by my side, I know that through Your power in me I will have opportunities to vanquish the things that hinder my life. As long as my focus is on You, I know that my chances to overcome become substantially better. As my Source, You cause me to both will and do Your good pleasure. As my Provider, I believe that You can and will supply all of my needs. As my Deliverer, I know that nothing can hold me back or prevent me from reaping the blessings of belonging to You. As my Protector, I know You have my back and will shelter me from harm. As my Healer, You fill me with your goodness in a way that will turn back physical, mental and spiritual sicknesses. Because of these things, I know that I am safe and strengthened for any test that comes my way. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I John 3:21 Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive anything we ask, because we obey His commands and do what pleases Him.