Most Gracious Lord, You are the source of all the good things in my life. Like a car without fuel … an appliance without electricity … a body without a head … a connection to Your power and life are vital to my life. Because of Your sacrificial death on the cross, I am assured that You will be my eternal connection when I surrender my life to You. Linked to You through faith, I’ve been rescued from the dominion of darkness. Through a continuing relationship with You I have access to the power I need to prosper and overcome the trials I face. You are my doorway to forgiveness for my sins and peace with Your Father. Another important connection I gain through You is the one I have with my brothers and sisters in the church. I perpetually give You thanks for the wisdom, power and good fortunes that come to me through attachment to You.
You are the “image of the invisible God” who created all things and the head of the church. It is through Your death and resurrection that I can stand before Your Father unstained by sin. As I think about the world’s explanation of how everything got here and how it is sustained, the explanations ring empty and hollow. You have taught me to reject those shallow beliefs and follow You into the light and truth. Because You are my Lord and Savior, only the things You reveal to me and want me to practice are the things that should fill my mind and thoughts. The farthest things from my mind should be thoughts of lust, pride, selfishness and evil. My union with You should inspire me to focus on truth, love and purity. My primary means of communicating with You come through my prayer times, the reading of Your Word and contemplation of Your principles for leading a victorious life.
I must not forget that, while You are God, You were also a man. Knowing this helps me realize that You experienced the type things I do and You have a compassionate understanding of what it’s like to go through what I face. You understand my need for forgiveness and help in times when my strength and fortitude fail me. In You, I am complete and lack nothing … when I remain united with You. To belong to You, I must accept You as my leader and the one from whom all good things come. Because You are my Lord, I must center my life around You. To acknowledge You, means I see our relationship as vital and, in so doing, I make the things that are important to You my priority. I must welcome Your leadership in all that I think or do. I cannot cling to my own ideas and try to blend in with the world. My loyalty will always be a critical factor in maintaining my connection to You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Acts 17:28 For in Him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, “We are His offspring.”