My Courage to Persevere

I give thanks to You, My God who is mighty in battle, for Your name is near to my heart.  It is You who brings down the evil man and exalts the good one.  In Your hands are honor and blessing for those who call upon Your name.  Your awesome beauty shines forth a light that will prevent me from losing my way.  You alone are to be revered for Your judgments which are righteous and fair.  Surely Your wrath is against evil and Your grace is dispensed to those who do good.  If I dare to make a vow with You, surely I must fulfill it or woe be on to me.

When I am in need, I find myself crying out to You and I believe that You will hear me.  When I am in distress, I will stretch out my hand to You and I trust that I will feel Your hand in mine.  When I groan and my spirit grows weary, I look to You for help and I wait for You to deliver me from my trials.  Because of my undying devotion to You, I know that … You will not reject me … nor will I lose favor in Your sight … nor will I experience Your unfailing love being withdrawn from me … nor will I be far from Your mercy … nor will I see Your compassion wane because of my failures and shortcomings.  When I am tried, I will recall Your mighty deeds and awesome miracles done on behalf of Your people.  When I am confused and discouraged, I will meditate on Your words and let their healing balm restore and invigorate me.

Your ways are holy and pure and I rejoice in serving an awesome God like You.  You do countless good and wondrous things on behalf of Your chosen ones.  You are mighty and able to redeem me from any difficulty in which I find myself.  Lead me through my Red Sea and the desert into my Promised Land.  Protect me from the Evil One who stalks me night and day.  You led Your people, in times past, so lead me now.  You are My Shepherd and I am a lamb in Your flock … watch over me so that no harm overtakes me.  Open my eyes so that I see my possibilities through the eyes of faith.  Lead me to quiet places where my soul, spirit and body can be refreshed.  Guide me in paths of righteousness so that I do not fall out of favor with You.  As I build my courage, through faith in You, and persevere in giving You my best, I believe that good will fill my life and I will find favor in Your sight.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord Your God will be with you wherever you go.

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