I bless Your holy name, O Sovereign Lord, for You are my everlasting hope and place of refuge. You have sent forth Your light and Your truth to guide me. When I am tempted, Your Spirit shows me the way I am to go and I am empowered with the strength to turn away from evil. As I submit myself to Your will, I am filled with joy and Your love anchors me to a life of good. As I am drawn into Your Word, I see and understand my path forward more clearly and I am compelled to be more like You. Because there is no one as faithful as You, I will always put my trust in You and do what You command. You are my Sure Rock and if I cannot trust in you, I will surely perish.
O Precious Lord, how I long for You to be a part of each day and I look forward to time spent in fellowship with You. In Your presence, I can weep and show remorse for my sins and the lost opportunities of the past. I can rejoice in Your forgiveness and gladly accept Your hand offered to me in my times of need and distress. I find it hard to stay downcast for very long because my hope and trust is in You. I feel peace and contentment when I make time to meditate on Your kindness and compassion. I recognize the benefits of having You guide me throughout each day and tucking me into bed each night … with a tender lullaby proclaiming Your love. When my enemy tries to isolate me and make me feel abandoned, Your Spirit encourages me with words of hope and strength. And when things look their bleakest, I know that if I put my hope in You, everything will work out for the best.
By Your strength victories have been produced in my life. I realize that I am nothing without You. You are the force that helps me prevail in all of my battles. You are my hope when circumstances and my enemies close in on me. It is You who comes to my aid, rescuing me and giving me peace. In Your grace and mercy, You give me the strength and courage to persevere. I know that it is by Your power that I am energized for the running of my race and, thereby, receive the victor’s crown. It is Your love and devotion that helps me put off the shackles of worry, fear and doubt. I know that through You all things are made possible. And, as my faith grows and matures, I believe that I will be able to achieve the goals I thought were seemingly impossible. Help me stay away from the temptation to be slothful in my relationship with You. Keep me sensitive to the workings of the Holy Spirit so that I will recognize Him walking with me wherever I go … offering a hand to help me up when I fall down … and bringing me peace when I need rest. As a result, I am able to rejoice in whatever circumstances I find myself because my hope is in You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 39:7 But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in You.