My Invitation to Worship You

I hear You calling me, O Lord, to rejoice in the Rock of my salvation.  For You are a loving, caring God who has freely given of Himself for me.  You invite me to rejoice in the awareness of all You’ve done for me.  In Your mighty hands resides all power which You used to form Your creation.  If for some reason, I fail in my responsibility to praise You, You have said that You will command of the seas and the mountains and the rocks to cry out “Hosanna in the Highest.”  May that never happen for I gladly bow down to worship You, O Maker of All Things.  Even though I am but a single lamb, I have every confidence that if I fall away, You will come looking for me.  As each day passes, I yearn to hear Your voice and I made a conscious choice to open my heart to hear every word You speak.  Help me never harden my heart to Your instructions … regardless of what circumstances I find myself.  I want to walk continually in Your abiding love and tender mercies.

Praise be to You, My King, for You alone reign over all the earth. Though thick clouds surround me and waters rise to cover me, I know You are my high place to which I can escape and find rest.  As I set my eyes on You, I know You will show me a way I am to overcome.  Speak and I will listen … show me the way and I will follow.  For You guard my life and deliver me from all harm.  Your brightness shines into my darkness and You lift burdens from off of my back.  You are my strength, the one who sustains me in all things.  No longer am I a rudderless ship with You at the helm.  I know that Your righteous judgments and unfailing justice will ensure me of a just outcome in the affairs of my life.  Keep me rooted and grounded in You and I know all things will work out for good in my life.

Because of You, My Precious Lord, my heart is filled with joy.  I sing praises to Your name because You have redeemed me from sin and the grave.  You alone stand in splendor and majesty as the Mighty King of Creation.  You’ve made all things to serve You and give You glory and I do so gladly.  You are as big as the universe and Your love matches it in size.  Because of You, the laws of the universe remain in place and all of nature rejoices because You are in control.  Let everything that has life and everything that takes a breath give You honor and praise.  I am forever bound to You, My Lord, and I’ve gladly accepted my invitation to worship before You.  May I always stay in step with You so that I never get left behind.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

John 4:33 A time is coming and has now come when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks.

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