I give thanks to You, My Lord, for You are good and Your love endures forever. You spoke and I was given life and Your awesome power sustains it to this very day. Yu have redeemed me from sin and death for which I am eternally grateful. You have met all of my needs and You’ve delivered me from all of my troubles and distress. You have clothed me in Your righteousness and love. You have shown me the way to prosperity and showered me with countless blessings. I give thanks every day for the wondrous things You have done on my behalf. From darkness and gloom, You’ve brought me into Your marvelous light and unending joy. When I rebel and do not listen to Your counsel, You patiently wait for me to be still and submit. When I get lost or confused, You show me my way forward. When I become discouraged, You send Your Word to lift my spirit. You have turned my mourning into laughter and my sadness to joy. You have blessed my beyond my ability to give You thanks.
Put in me a steadfast heart and a desire to never let me become separated from You. Show me how to sow good seed into Your Kingdom. I want to be shown how to bless others rather than seek my own blessings. I want to eat from the vessel of repentance and drink from the chalice of forgiveness. I ask that You … replace my selfishness with generosity … my complacency with hard work … my judging with tolerance … and, change my focus from me to You. My life is but a burst of light in the expanses of eternity but I want to make it count for something. I want “me” to be replaced with “you” in my vocabulary. No matter what is going on around me, I want Your joy to inhabit my praises … Your light to guide me … and, Your strength to empower me. My life must become a mirror of who You are and a portrait of Your loving heart. To be wise, I must listen to Your words and consider their meaning.
O God, who I praise and love, hear my pleas and walk with me daily. Because of Your unfailing love, I am able to experience a joy and light that brightens each day. May You forever be exalted above the heavens and earth … and, may Your glory shine forth and guide me throughout my days. In the abundance of Your kindness, I have been given forgiveness, peace and a purpose. Your judgements have always been just and You have opened up Your Word to train me in the things I need to know. Who can I trust to guide me in these troubled times? … only You, My God. With You by my side, I know that there is no obstacle so high it cannot be climbed or no enemy that can stand against me. Help me never forget that You alone are my light and my joy. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 43:3-4 Send forth Your light and Your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to Your holy mountain, to the place where You dwell. Then will I go to the alter of God, to God, my joy and my delight.