My Need for the Holy Spirit

Most Generous Lord, through Your love and promise You provided me, and every believer, the “gift of the Holy Spirit.” The church did not grow through the power of human wisdom or strength. The disciples were empowered by the Holy Spirit who acted as the promised Counselor and Guide when You ascended into Heaven. The church became more Spirit conscious through their response to You in faith. When the Holy Spirit works there is movement, excitement and growth. In my love for You and my trust in your words, I seek the help of the Holy Spirit in overcoming my obstacles and witnessing for You. If You had stayed on earth, Your physical presence would have limited the spread of Your Gospel because You could be at only one place at a time. The Holy Spirit was sent so that You could be with us at all times through Him and in all of us multiplying the spread of Your Gospel.

The work of the Holy Spirit is to comfort me, remind me of everything You have said and fill me with your powers. Through You, the Holy Spirit has been available to me because I have made You “Lord” of my life. The work of the Holy Spirit in my life marks the beginning of my walk with You. I find Him to be a vital part of my new life in You as He begins a life-long process of changing me into becoming more like You. In addition, the Spirit unites me in a closer relationship with the Christian Community. He is available to work in everyone committed to You in fulfilling Your work here on earth. The power emulated by the Holy Spirit is not limited to super-human acts but includes courage, boldness, confidence, insight and an ability to get meaningful things done. All of these empowerments are to be used to accomplish Your mission through me and not for my personal benefit.

Helping me witness is an important role of the Holy Spirit. Witnessing is not showing what I can do for You … it is us showing and telling what You have done for me. Too many believe that witnessing involves reciting a bunch of scriptures but, boiled down to its basics, witnessing involves me telling others about the benefits that I have experienced in my relationship with You. You tell me in Your Word that I must witness to everyone lost in darkness and searching for meaning in their life. If I look to the Holy Spirit, He will tell me exactly what I must say to glorify You. I must not ignore the reality that some will plant, some will water and some will reap the harvest. I should not favor which part I am called to play; I have been given the “gift of the Holy Spirit” and give Him reign in my life. And its in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

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