My Ongoing War and Ultimate Victory

O Majestic Prince, I am reminded by Your warning that there will be a perpetual war between the Devil and mankind … but, I am encouraged by Your promise that I will prevail.  Through the ages, attack after attack has been recorded … starting with Adam and Eve and their encounter with The Serpent in the Garden that led to their fall … then, following the fall, their son Cain (motivated by envy) proceeded to murder his brother Abel.  In the passage of time, Noah’s obedience prevented the whole world from plunging into corruption.  And, when Your people were enslaved in Egypt, through Your servant Moses, they were led in a mass exodus to freedom.  However, their unseen enemy followed them and caused them to grumble against You, ultimately rebel and create a false god to worship.  As a result, the unfaithful never entered the “Promised Land” … while those who were faithful reaped the promise.

Even with the coming of New Testament times, the struggle has continued as the Devil used misguided people to crucify You.  However, through the works of the Holy Spirit, zealous followers and a faith in things not seen with the natural eye, Your church prevailed in bringing a message of deliverance from bondage, death and darkness … and replaced them with freedom, newness of life and a light to guide them.  You did not bring me into this world to see me flounder helplessly and accomplish nothing with my life.  Instead, You made me an heir of Your promises.  Prosperity, good health, meaningful relationships and a fulfilling life (with purpose) are the fruits of fighting the good fight of faith against evil and submitting to Your will.  What You seek of me is my love, devotion and obedience and, if I give them to You, You will supply me with the power, grace, love and joy to prevail in all things.

Help me never forget that my struggle is not with flesh and blood but against the rulers, authorities and powers of darkness.  And, in order to overcome them, I must trust in You and the power of Your might.  To withstand the attacks of my enemies, I must rely on Your strength to persevere and use the armor You provide to defend myself.  I should not forget that the Holy Spirit is the One I must seek in overcoming evil and darkness.  Through His wise counsel … His comfort in times of stress and worry … and His strengthening of my inner man … will I stand a chance of prevailing over the Devil and entering into “the Promised Land.”  It is only in enduring the struggle that I can claim my victory.  You’ve promised that, if I build my life on You and Your Word, I will prevail in the storms of life.  Though I struggle daily with my enemies, I know that with You by my side I will find victory.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You walk with me.  

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