O Prince of Peace, it is into this messed up, complex, ever-changing world that You came to bring peace. During Your life here on earth, You experienced prejudice, political oppression and suffering. So, although You lived as a man, Your words (because You were the Son of God) have an eternal perspective to them. You expressed a great esteem and described an eternal reward for the peacemakers who You said were “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be children of God.” Then, in preparing Your disciples for Your departure from the earth, You said “Peace I leave you; my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” The peace that You give calms my worries and chases away my fears. It is a peace that makes me feel safe and protected. It has a definite calming effect on me and my life.
You are the one who spoke to the winds and waves saying, “peace be still” and the wind and waves were calmed. To the woman who anointed Your feet You said, “Your faith has saved you, go in peace.” You spoke those words back in time so I would hear them and take hold of Your peace and receive it as a personal gift. You encourage me with Your words that say, “In this world you shall have troubles. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Peace was something that followed You wherever You went. You felt it Yourself and You gave it as a gift to others, so should I. I can only give what I possess. Consequently, I need to establish a real relationship with You from which flows a peace that gives me rest from my labors. It is a peace that guards my heart and mind so that I am not deceived into worrying or becoming fearful. In You, I can find peace, rest, and calm.
It is from a position of peace, emanating from keeping my focus on You, that I can weather the storms of life. Experiencing Your peace in the middle of my adversity is what allows me to share the peace I gain from You with others. As I share Your peace, I fulfill my role as a child of God. I shatter the confusion and apprehensiveness of the world when I share the essence of who You are through Your comforting peace. A life filled with stress, worry, and pain will experience immediate relief when it experiences Your peace. Your presence in a person’s life brings with it a rest that settles everything down and allows them to regain focus and perspective. I rejoice in the face that wherever I am and in whatever situation I find myself, I know that Your peace is with me now and forever. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.