Blessed are You, O Lord, for You are My Rock and Fortress. I need the solid foundation that You offer for building my life. The footing You supply is stable and unshakeable so I can withstand the trials I face and the traps set out by my enemy to cause me to stumble and fall. Though many things try to shake my emotions and confidence, I know that You are in control and, if I submit to You, You will shelter my mind from deception and deceit. Even though bad things happen sometimes, I will declare Your goodness to all who will listen. If the things I face threaten to drain me of my energy and hope, I will hold fast to You because I believe that You love me and want me to prosper. When I act unappreciative and insensitive, I know it will not shut off Your care and concern for me. Because You know everything about me, You know my weakness and insecurities and You undergird them with the truths in Your Word.
As I live out my life, circumstances will try to rattle me and the ‘self” inside of me will try to rebel. But Your Spirit has been given to train me for the battles I will face with the Devil and my flesh. My enemy tries to tell me that I am no good … I will always be weak …and I have nothing to offer. In those times of mental attack, I must count on You be my strong foundation on which I can take a stand. I feel You never leave my side because I’ve given myself to You and I know You will never abandon me. Since You care about my future, I know You will counsel me through the words of the Holy Spirit who bears witness with my spirit. The battle for my heart and mind is unending and it rages around me all day and night. I need the hedge of protection that You offer to ward off temptation and disappointment. As my protector, You want me to be victorious and I can count on You to subdue my enemies.
Because You have given me a free will, I can choose what You have to offer or go my own way. I like the feeling of a sure thing and there is nothing more sure than You. I trust You and believe in what You stand for. You stand for me because You did not spare Your own Son but gave Him up to redeem me. On the foundation of Your love I know that I can build a future full of success. What I need is for You to help me grasp what it is that You have called me to do. I no longer want to be subject to fear and discouragement. Remove from me all prideful tendencies, jealousy and selfishness so I can maintain my path to mercy and grace. By Your death and resurrection, You’ve won for me a victory that I must strive to walk in each day. Through my undying faith in You, I believe that I have built my life on a foundation that I can trust and rely on. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Luke 6:47-48 I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it because it was built well.