My Savior and King

Without shame or reservation, I proclaim You as my Lord, my Savior and my King.  Wherever You lead, I will follow.  Whatever You teach, I want to learn.  Whenever You speak, I want to listen.  Whatever You ask, I want to respond.  Your love is a blessing in my life and Your desire for me to overcome inspires me to press on to higher goals.  I appreciate the time I spend with You in prayer and reading of Your Word.  I am always amazed by the wonderful and glorious things You reveal to me as we spend time together each day.  The fear of death has been vanquished by Your constant reassurances of love and mercy.  I see each  day unfolding as another part of my journey which you charted for me when I was born.  Life is not empty or unfulfilling now that I have found You.  Daily I receive and give out Your love.  As I do, I am filled with gratification and joy.

I never get overly concerned about life because … where there is pain, You grant me mercy and peace … where there is doubt, You give me confidence in Your ability to get me through … where there is confusion, You give me patience, tolerance and clarity … when I am afraid, You give me strength and courage.  You alone are able to meet all of my needs because Your source of supply is endless.  By Your death and resurrection You have shown me that I am valued and cherished.  I want to emulate Your unconditional love to others the way you have given it to me.  Because of Your influence in my life, I am happy, optimistic and filled with Your energy and desire to do good.

Whenever unpleasant circumstances come into my life, I will not grumble or complain.  Instead, I will reflect on the good things You have done for me and work harder to achieve the tasks You have set before me.  I am grateful for my blessings and will strive to be a blessing to others. If someone treats me badly, I will patiently wait for them to show me their good side.  If I offend anyone, I will apologize and try to help heal their wounds.  I will endeavor to be open and honest, speaking the truth in love.  I will never forget Your lesson on how people are more important than things.  I will never let my dreams fade away because, “who knows”, they may come from You.  Each day as I think on these things, I feel closer to You and acknowledge the specialness of having You as my Savior and King.  May our relationship grow and abound as we spend time together focusing on the things that are important to You and my future.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen!!

I Timothy 4:10 We have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men and especially those who believe.

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