I thank You, My Sure Foundation, for You have stood with me through my most difficult times. You have created me with a desire that I become an overcomer. As I grow to be more like You, I will gain strength and be able to prevail over evil. I know that You cause those who do evil to stumble and fall … while You help the righteous to remain steady on their feet. I know that You are not bound by time and You have made a way for me to share timeless eternity with You. O how blessed am I!! I trust that in Your righteousness You will judge all people fairly and in fairness You will also judge me. I am thankful for the gift of Your shed blood for it has delivered me from the bonds of slavery … paying a price I could never repay … and opening a door that in times past had been shut to me.
You alone are my place of refuge in times of trouble. By Your faithfulness, You have proven to me that, without reservation, I can put my trust in You. Through Your loving kindness, You have made a place for me in Your heart. I am elated to be a partaker in such a generosity. I am thankful for Your constant companionship and counsel. I know that whenever I stumble and fall, You will be there to help me up. I rejoice in the fact that You have called me to seek safety in Your forgiveness. I take heart in the fact that when things get really tough, You will show me the way through the storm. I never want to forget that it is Your blood that has cleansed me from the stains of sin and made a way for me to join You in Paradise. I now have been empowered to walk in Your ways and show forth Your goodness to all that I meet. I have become a fountain of joy and refreshing from which others can drink.
Have mercy on me, Dear Lord, for some days I struggle to stay on track. I drop my guard and evil overtakes me. I try to do what is right, but things turn out wrong. I know there will be a price to pay when I disobey, yet I continue on blindly. I feel soiled and unworthy of Your love. But in my sorrow and loathing, I find forgiveness. Only then can my joy be restored and I am able to rejoice in renewed freedom. I believe that in my times of need, You will be my Advocate. I am thankful that I am never far from Your thoughts and the fact that I will forever remain secure in Your love. Help me understand fully the meaning of the “fear of the Lord”. Show me that you will be mighty and awesome in battle on my behalf. I need You to be my anchor in rough seas. Teach me how to corral my will so that I can do what is good and avoid evil. I will strive to never lose sight of Your will for me and I know I can count on You to be my Sure Rock on which I build my future. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 62:2 He alone is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Fortress and I will never be shaken.