My Triune God

Most Exalted God, I appreciate the vast wisdom and creative power of the Father (1st Person of God), who through awesome planning and well thought out design, allowed the Universe and everything in it to be created. It was Your desire to share Yourself that prompted You to create the Universe and man (created in Your own image). You took a big chance in giving me, and every man born, a free will because in doing so You gave us the chance to betray the trust You placed in each of us. In true justice, You allow each of us to reap the fruit of the choices we make. You would not impose Your will on any of us but allowed us to willingly surrender to the one/thing we individually chose. I sometimes wonder why You took such a big chance on me … deciding to choose You as the One to whom I would give myself in dedicated service. Then it dawned on me … perfect love had to give me the chance to choose You.

The Son (2nd Person of God) is my link to the Father. When The Father saw that man’s own efforts could not free himself from the power and penalty of sin, He chose You do that for Him. Fair or not, He sent You to redeem man from the penalties of sins You did not commit. Because of Your Father’s deep love for His creation, He sent His most Precious Son to redeem those of us who would accept You as His Son and their Redeemer. In assuming Your role, You came to earth to be His “Perfect Sacrifice.” In doing so, You freed me from the power of sin and gave me a pathway to Heaven. You came to show me a better way to live and how to go about doing it unselfishly. I was powerless to escape the shackles of sin but You became my key. Because of Your loving and selfless suffering, I now have the hope of eternal life and, as a result, I have no reservation about surrendering myself to You.

The Holy Spirit (3rd Person of God) has a special meaning to those of us who remain here on earth. As a special gift from the Son, You have stayed behind to comfort me, encourage me, teach me, and guide me. Like every “good gift” dispensed from a “good God”, You are one of the best gifts. As my current Companion, I can count on You to provide me with the words and actions that reflect who God is. You clarify and amplify the meaning of the words recorded in the Scriptures. The announcement of Your coming was made to give me a tool to remember the Son’s teachings. As I study The Word, You plant in my mind the truths contained in the words I am reading. Your help keeps me from straying from the One to whom I belong. An important role You fill is to protect me and keep me safe from the world and it’s ways. For all these things, I give praise to My Triune God. And it’s In Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Matthew 18:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit teaching them everything I have commanded You.”

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