My Voyage Through the Sea of Life

O Loving Lord, I am overjoyed by the fact that as I face the need to navigate a course through life … You are at the helm.  The journey is often turbulent and storm tossed making it hard to stay afloat.  However, with You as My Captain, I’m sure You can get me safely to port.  Though I must sail through dangerous, uncharted waters, I know I will pass through them safely because of Your steady hand.  Your Spirit will act as my lighthouse showing me the way to safety … helping me avoid the sandbars and jagged rocks that block my passage.  Whenever a storm comes into my life, the beacon of Your love will guide me in every stage of my voyage.  Your light helps me keep my bearings when the sea is tossing me about and darkness surrounds me.  You stand before me like a great mountain anchoring my life.  Your power to save is greater than any force dedicated to my destruction … and that makes me feel secure.

Sometimes my voyage gets lonely.  For days at a time, no one reaches out to comfort or rescue me.  Life seems like an endless, flat ocean.  The heat from problems and struggles scorches my will to persevere.  I thirst for rest and relief.  I hunger for someone to talk to and help me carry my burdens.  There is no sight of land, so my hope and energy fade.  The sail of my life falls limp and I feel like my life is going nowhere.  Where is the ship that will come to my aid and rescue me?  Will I even survive this voyage?  And then I feel a small breeze brush across my face, filling my sail and I begin to see my life moving forward again.  I begin to feel more optimistic and I sense the wind getting stronger.  What once seemed lost now offers me the hope of reaching my destination.  The light shines brightly before me in the day and the stars guide my passage by night.  I know it is You, Lord, who is my wind of good fortune.

O Glorious Savior, I want You to become the Navigator of my life.  You have traveled the sea of life before me and know it well.  You have experienced and dealt with every danger I must face.  You have charted a course for Your life that I must emulate if I am, like You, going to be successful.  You have proven Yourself to be steady and calm in the face of a storm and Your desire is to teach me how to do the same.  You have shown Yourself to be caring and faithful so I have no apprehensions about turning to You for help when I need it.  I know that my journey will be long, tedious and trying, but I also know that I can navigate the sea of life successfully with You by my side.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Luke 8:22-24 So they got into a boat and set out.  As they sailed, he fell asleep.  A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.  The disciples went and woke him, saying “Master, Master, we are going to drown!”  He got up rebuked the wind and raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.

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