O Blessed Lord of the Heavens, help me in my quest at the foot of Your Cross to learn how to expand my love and service to You and my fellow man. You have always been a giver and not a taker … so help me become more like You. Your words contain power and hope … help me become wiser in the use of them. In You is everything I will need for my life … I want to expand my ability to absorb all that You have to share with me. You and Your Word are alive … able to change me so that I will gladly follow in Your footsteps. I no longer want to be a passive hearer of Your Word, but one who can turn them into loving actions.
I know that everyone who says “Lord, Lord” will not enter into Your Kingdom. Instead, it will be those who willingly give themselves to You. On my Lenten journey, help me deepen and expand my relationship with You. I want to learn how to follow Your leading and have You become a greater part of every aspect in my life. I do not want to sit in a comfort zone for the rest of my life … for if I do, I will become complacent and cease to put forth the effort needed to increase my spirituality. Without change, I will stagnate and become lukewarm. Your Word reminds me that my spirit is willing, but it is my flesh that is weak. Help me overcome my flesh and the temptation to take the path of least resistance. Instead, help me take up Your challenge to commit quality time with You and Your Word developing and strengthening my faith. Then I will be able to walk uprightly and offer a helping hand to others in their times of need.
Each day I know that the choice between good and evil will be set before me. I must face an enemy who wants to steal and destroy all that is good in my life. Over the next week or so, I want to enroll in Your boot camp so I can be trained to become a better “Warrior of the Cross”. I no longer want to be tossed about by every struggle I encounter … I no longer want the Kingdom of Darkness to have any sway over my life … and, I want to be taught how to overcome the wiles of the enemy. You’ve got a big job on Your hands, but I know that nothing is impossible for You. So it’s You and me Lord, embarking on a journey together like none I’ve experienced before. I bow down at the foot of Your Cross to relinquish all of my weaknesses, all of my doubts, all of my hopelessness and all of my disappointments to You so they can be turned into something special that will allow me to move in unison with Your will and Your ways. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Mt 16:24 If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.