My Glorious Savior, Your Word promises me that there is no condemnation to those who choose You as their Lord. Your expectation is that I will begin to walk under the guidance of the Spirit and stop being led by my fleshly desires. Through Your sacrifice on Calvary, You have dealt conclusively with the punishment due for my sins. I no longer must suffer for my iniquities because You have taken it upon Yourself. You’ve declared that as far as the East is from the West my transgressions have been removed from Your memory. That statement is quite freeing and liberating for a sinner saved by grace. Because of Your work, I’ve been given a new start so that my old ways can be put away and new ones can begin. I give thanks for Your willingness to come into the world … not to condemn it … but, to save it. You are my open door to paradise and You gave me the key when I gave myself to You.
As I open my heart to listen to what You have to say, I believe that my life will change for the better and I will learn how to become a real disciple. Not only will I pass from death into life, but I will learn how to become an overcomer in whatever I face. Through Your mercy, the shackles that tied me to sin and self-seeking have been cut free and I am now able to overcome my flesh and the “stinking thinking” I’ve absorbed from the world. Through Your selfless love, I’ve been given the opportunity to walk uprightly as You did. No longer do I have to drag around my past failures like a ball and chain. You’ve blotted out all of my past mistakes with Your blood and given me Your wisdom to use in choosing wisely and do as You would do. You have called me to forsake my old ways and come to You side. Help me respond with vigor and zeal.
By confessing my sins to You, I’m promising to leave my failures behind and walk in Your ways. When I feel myself slipping away from You, I strive to eliminate the things that are drawing me away. My hope is that if I return to you, You will forgive me and help me begin anew. As I acknowledge my sins , You are faithful to forgive me and set me free to do the things I’ve been called to do. I feel blessed to know that my transgressions are forgiven and the debt I owe has been covered in full. No longer am I forced to live the under condemnation leveled at me by The Evil One because his hold on me has been broken and You have moved me into Your marvelous light. Now when You ask “where are your accusers?” I can joyfully respond “no one is condemning me.” And how exciting it is to hear You say “then neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.