O Consecrated Child of God

I give praise to You, My All-knowing and All-powerful God.  From the beginning of time, You had a plan for the succession of power, wealth and prosperity to Your people.  In the days of old, it was the “first born” who received the blessing and the inheritance from the father.  Through Christ, You have opened the storehouse of Heaven and its blessings to me as I have willingly accepted Your Son as My Lord and Savior.  Through Him, I have been delivered from the sentence of eternal death and have been freed from the power of sin.  I am Your adopted child and have been consecrated for loving service and heart-felt devotion to You.  I am an integral part of You and who You are … I am family.

You desire intimacy with me and You know me well … so well that You’ve numbered every hair upon my head.  You have taken me in as a citizen of Your Kingdom … a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation … a people belonging to You who are called by Your name and who have declared their fidelity to You alone.  You have called me out the darkness, in which I lived, into the marvelous light of a deep and meaningful relationship with You.  I am the “first fruits” of the Holy Spirit … no longer in bondage to fear and failure.  I have the confidence, as one called to be Your child, to take on any difficulty that may arise in my life.    Within Your power, I know I can accomplish anything as long as I remain devoted and faithful to You.

I want to thank You, M Lord, for giving me all of the rights and privileges of a “first born”.  I understand that You have placed gifts and talents within me which You want to be used for the furtherance of Your Kingdom.  You’ve given me the responsibility of being a good steward over all the things You’ve given to me.  I pledge to remain loyal to You alone and will strive, with all of my strength and conviction, to walk in Your ways and be a faithful witness of who You are.  I want You to be proud of me the way I am proud of my children and grandchildren when they do good things and achieve success.  I have opened myself to Your guidance and teachings as they are revealed to me through the reading of Your Word, enlightenment by Your teachers and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  My greatest desire is to be the “apple of Your eye” and a smile upon Your face.  I count it a privilege to be a consecrated child of Yours.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Exodus 32:29 You have been set apart to the Lord today … He has blessed you this day.

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