My Glorious King and Son in the line of David, You came to Earth as my Redeemer and You have made a way for me to spend eternity with You. You endured the pain and agony of Your passion and sacrificed Yourself on my behalf … and, for that I will always be grateful. You came to those who were helplessly lost in darkness and left them a light that shows them a better way. You are to be highly exalted for Your goodness and love. You were obedient to Your Father’s will even though what He asked was awful and frightening. My desire is to be obedient to You the way You were to Him. As Your disciple, I accrue all of the benefits You earned from Your work on Calvary. I am put in good standing by Your death. I am healed by the stripes You bore upon Your body. I am a free man upon which sin has no hold and I live to give You honor.
Take me by the hand and lead me into paths of righteousness. Refresh me with Your love and life. When I think of how Your head was pierced by a crown of thorns … how You were reviled and spit upon … how Your flesh was torn and ripped by the stripes You bore … how Your face was drawn and pale from the pain and blood loss You endured … how death waited joyfully to take You into its clutches … I am moved to tears for all that You endured to save me from Hell. I feel so blessed to be a benefactor of Your mercy and grace … unworthy though I be. I struggle to find words to express my gratitude. However, it is not my words that You want to hear. It is my sorrow and contrition for my sins … time spent with You … kind acts of service for my fellow man … and patterning my words and actions after Yours. I pledge to You my loyalty, devotion and service.
I was not there when they beat You with a whip and thrust a crown of thorns upon Your head. Nor was I there when they nailed You to the cross. Nor was I there when they laid you in the tomb. But I do believe that You did go through that anguish and suffering to save me. By faith, the testimony of Your Word and the affirmation of the church … even though I was not there … I feel the emotional heartache from what You had to go through for my sake. Through Your example of obedience, humility and long suffering, I’ve been shown the way of the cross. Now it is time for me to take up mine and follow You. I rejoice in the fact that on Easter morning, You rose from the dead to take Your exalted place alongside Your Father. You were the lamb sacrificed for the sins of the world who has now become my loving Good Shepherd. Guide me to the place where I belong. And it’s in Jesus name I pray. AMEN!!
Philippians 2:8-9 Being found in appearance as a man, he humbled Himself and became obedient to death – even the death on a cross! Therefore, God has exalted Him to the highest place and given Him the name that is above every name …