O Precious Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world … all honor and glory belong to You for what You have done by sacrificing Your life for mine. Like an innocent lamb, You were led to the slaughter for my sake. Through Your unselfish act, my selfishness has been hidden beneath Your outpoured blood. You who had so much and gave up so much for me … who had so little … died so that I could have more. In life, You lived it purely and, in death, You loved so sincerely. You suffered for my sake, bearing the penalty for my sins so I could be made acceptable to Your Father. What can be said about such a love? How can I respond to it? What I see I need most is for You to teach me to die to myself so that I can live more boldly for You. To give up my sinful yearnings for the pleasure of serving You would be the highlight of my life. Send down Your Spirit to help me fulfill this yearning.
I understand I cannot earn my way into Heaven by good works or the giving of generous alms. It is by Your precious blood only that I’ve been bought with a price I could never pay. Because You have been raised from the dead and taken Your place at the right hand of Your Father, I can now hope and believe that Your power can change my life. I want my purification process to begin with learning how to obey like You did. Obedience is not easy, but is something I must master if I’m going to attain my goals. In the same way that You submitted to the will of Your Father … so I too want to submit to Yours. I need the constant reminders of the Holy Spirit advising me to abandon my evil ways and replace them with those that are acceptable to You. In repentance, I will take up my cross and follow in Your footsteps. As one who has been delivered, I will walk in the light, seek Your guidance and avoid occasions of sin.
It has been documented in Your Word that John the Baptist once said “Look, the Lamb of God” … and the Samaritan woman at the well told her neighbors “Come see a man” … and, Paul reminded believers, “our Passover Lamb has been sacrificed.” In their own personal way, each one of them described what they saw as Your purpose for coming to visit Your people. Help me never take for granted the love You had for me nor the motivation You had to give Your all so I could be set free. I do not want to squander the open door You’ve created for me or make Your suffering to no effect. I have great remorse for the bad things that I’ve done that caused You to suffer so I could overcome sin and find a place at Your banqueting table. Because You gave Your all … I must give mine. That is why I should give You my complete devotion, O Precious Lamb of God. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.”