Obedience is Everything

Heavenly King and Ruler, as Your child, I do not want to be conformed to the ways of the world or the lusts of my flesh, but to be holy as You are holy.  Therefore, I must focus on obeying Your will, becoming more self-disciplined and basing my hopes on Your grace which has seen me through tough times.  Unfortunately, I live in a world full of temptations, distractions and countless opportunities to disobey You.  Help me in those times to seek Your Spirit, Godly role models and Your Word to turn my attention from evil to good.  Deciding to do the right thing is considerably harder than doing the right thing.  But, unless I am willing to abide by Your commands, I will not be able to reap the promises and blessings afforded to me by doing things Your way.  The best way I can proclaim my love for You is by obeying.  I must learn to seek Your counsel and trust Your instructions.  As You become a greater part of my life and I choose to be conformed to Your will, my life will be blessed beyond anything I can imagine

I have endeavored to make You the “central” part of my life, so do not allow me to wander far from Your watchful eyes.  As a result, I will listen to Your Word and act in accordance with it.  I know that through obedience I’m building my life on a solid foundation.  I am confident that because I have built my life on Your truths, it will not crumble and collapse under the weight of trials and tribulations.  You have made it clear to me that if I want to be successful, I must obey Your commands … because they keep me from harm, train me in the way I am to go and bring me to a safe harbor when a storm looms on the horizon.  You’ve shown me that if I “truly” love You, I will obey You.  As I open myself to following in Your footsteps, I will receive larger and larger portions of Your love to reassure me, steady me, uphold me and help me persevere.  As I align my will with Yours, I know that my love for You is “real”.


I don’t think I can even imagine all the good that can come into my life if I will be faithful in obeying Your commands.  I know that trouble awaits me when I am not under Your covering.  Following is the surest way of getting where I need to go.  Trials and suffering teach me to obey You through engaging my faith.  And, as I endure my struggles patiently under Your guidance, I know it will pay off in peace and contentment.  Obedience is my pathway to victory … humility my road to peace … and, unity with You my way to success.  My faith in You demands that I become obedient to You.  I believe that obedience leads me to spiritual growth.  I had to obey You to get into Your Kingdom and I’m having to obey You to reap it’s blessings … that’s why obedience is everything.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Psalm 40:7-8 Then I said, “Here I am, I have come … I desire to do Your will, O My God, Your law is written in my heart.”

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