Most Gracious Lord, I am sufficiently warned by Your words that tell me … “do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its owned. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” These words try to prepare me for the fact that worry is destructive and is in opposition to faith. In fact, worry is sin because whatever is not of faith is sin because it’s an indication of a lack of trust in Your faithfulness. The main reason I should want to steer clear of worry is because it is harmful and leads me away from You. It confuses my thinking, saps my energy and paralyzes me. By opening the door to worry, I am obliterating my joy and my opportunity to receive comfort and protection from You. Instead of believing You love me and are on my side … I am lead to feel abandoned and all alone. I become frantic for a way out when You have promised to be my way out.
In the same way that my earthly parents cared and protected me, so is Your desire to do all that they did and more. You know that worry is a thief who comes to steal my peace. Your desire is for me to possess and take hold of peace because when You left this earth, for Your heavenly home, You left Your peace as a gift for those who would believe in You and persevere in faith. You died so I could have eternal life and a life here on earth filled with abundance. My enemy, who clothes himself in the form of worry, comes to rob, kill and destroy my hope, faith, peace and abundance. In my heart, I know that You came and died on a cross so that I would not have to succumb to worry anymore … about anything. Yet when I take my eyes off of You and focus on my circumstances and the difficulties I face, like Peter who sank in the water, I sink into hopelessness and despair.
Experience has taught me that the antidote to worry is Your Word. In whatever situation I find myself in … You’ve covered it in Your Word. Rather than losing sleep over a problem, I should seek out my answers through meditating on Your words and listening to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. I can rest on Your assurance that You want me to prosper and come out on top in all that I do. You’ve told me that in this life I will have tribulations and trials, but to not get concerned because You’ve overcome them all. When life tries to convince me that health issues, financial strains and unhappiness are impossibilities I cannot shake … You have shown me the possibilities that exist through divine healing, prosperity and joy. For every problem I encounter, You have a solution or a way around it. So I’ve decided to take each day, one at a time, knowing that each one will work out fine. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Proverbs 27:1 Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day might bring forth.