Opening Up to The Holy Spirit

Most Beloved Savior, I rejoice in knowing that You have made me a temple of the Holy Ghost.  Knowing that He dwells in me gives me a greater sense of Your presence and keeps me on the right path.  I gladly receive Your gift of the Holy Spirit as an expression of Your love and a desire to train me in Your ways.  With Him in me, I have … a Helper in times of need … a Teacher of Your Word … and a Comforter who lifts my spirit when I am down.  When You said it would be a good thing for You to leave the earth, I could not imagine how that would be good for me.  However, in experiencing the Spirit in my life, I feel a power and confidence I never thought would be possible.  I can sense when He is bearing witness with my spirit on the way I am to go or what decision I must make.  Since receiving the Holy Spirit, I feel a fire burning inside of me that emboldens me and encourages me to do the work of Your Kingdom.

As a result of Your releasing the Holy Spirit to work in my life, I feel Your love well up in me and flow out to a dying and lost world.  Along with all of Your many benefits, I sense the Spirit as my daily companion guiding me into good choices, steering me away from bad influences and from becoming too attached to the world.  I awake each day with excitement waiting to see how the Holy Spirit will use me to reach out for You to others.  I am no longer afraid to allow the Spirit to work through me in prophesy, dreams or visions.  Through His working in me, I’ve been empowered to overcome sin in my life, walk uprightly, think of others more highly than myself and put a high priority on things that are important to You.  As I repent from my sins, failings and omissions, I feel a renewed inner strength and peace that tells me all is well with You and my life.

The gift of the Holy Spirit to me is a sign of my good standing with You.  In Your wisdom, You understood that in my human weaknesses I would need someone to walk with me daily to insure I did not go astray.  Since the Spirit bears the same love for me that You do, He will act with the same urgency as You would.  My goal is to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in becoming a powerful force helping others to come to know You.  Pour out Your spirit over me refreshing me and filling me with a greater desire to fulfill the mission You have for me on earth.  I know that, if the Holy Spirit speaks through me, others will listen.  As I allow Him to work in my life, changing it for the better, I know others will see it and want to be changed too.  I have come to accept the reality that, if I open up my life to the Holy Spirit, nothing will ever be the same.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Luke 11:13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?

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