O Merciful Lord, help me find the way to Your peace and a place of rest. Each day I feel like I am caught in a whirlwind of adversity that spins uncontrollably around me. I try to answer questions that seemingly have no answers. I travel down a road of confusion with no direction or purpose. I live in a cloud of darkness without hope. I’ve lost my ability to trust You or ask for Your help. I know in my heart that You have … eyes that see my every move … ears that hear my desperate cries … and wisdom that can deal with any problem I face. Yet I feel lost, drifting aimlessly and being carried along by the current of my problems and struggles. Often I feel like I’m being pulled under by the weight of all the things going on in my life. I know that You are the one who can infuse me with strength … give direction and purpose to my life … and provide hope to buoy me up. And I need all of those things.
Worries, riches and pleasures choke out my life built upon You and cause me to stumble but, as I exercise patience and wait for Your help, I find myself being uplifted and strength returning to my spirit. It is reassuring to know that You stand with me as I patiently wait for Your answer to my prayers. Your comfort, love and protection settle me and provide a way of overcoming whatever adversity I am facing. Instead of complaining, I must recognize that my journey through adversity is really an obstacle course designed to strengthen my faith. I know, if I patiently endure the things that life throws at me, I will build my confidence as I stand my ground and do not waver. I must accept my trials as opportunities to grow and learn how to live with my circumstances. Slowly, but surely, I am beginning to understand that patience is the bedrock of my hope concerning the future.
In my attempts to achieve the goals You have set before me, I must learn it is only through perseverance that can I get past my obstacles and win my race. In my yearnings to become more like You, I must steadfastly and doggedly pursue my knowledge of You and begin emulating Your behaviors. My cowardly course of succumbing to my struggles is no longer acceptable as I learn to stand my ground and stay the course. Continued steadfastness in my obedience and fidelity to You demonstrates my gratitude for all you have done … do … and will do for me. Perseverance requires the stamina that can only be developed through testing. Learning to persist, regardless of what I see or feel, will help me achieve the victories I know You want for me. Therefore, it is through patience and perseverance that I will attain a command over my problems and circumstances. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Colossians 1:11 Being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully give thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.