“Do you not know? Have you not heard?” The Lord I serve is the everlasting creator of all things. For He not only possesses the power to create, but the provisions to sustain me and a willing heart to help me in my times of need. He does not grow tired and weary and His understanding cannot be fathomed. He is able to transfuse me with His strength when mine has waned. Despite His awesome power, He has a tender and compassionate heart toward me and all His children. There is nothing that compares to my God. And, if I judge Him based on my limited knowledge and understanding, then I limit what He is able to do with me. I should never do anything that will limit His ability to work in my life by underestimating His power and desire to act on my behalf. If my hope is placed in Him, trusting He will be there for me, I know His strengthen will be enough to handle whatever I face.
Even the strongest people grow tired and weary from the load they carry in life … but the power You offer, My Lord, never wanes. Instead, it makes my load lighter and allows me to turn aside the mountainous problems I face as though they were pebbles. I am confident in the fact that I am Your beloved child and that You are never too busy to hear my cries. My strength to endure the trials of life come from my reliance on You and, like an electrical cord, I must stay plugged so I can accomplish the things You have planned for me. When life come crashing down on me and it seems as though I cannot take one more step. In these times, I must remember that You are the best thing I have going in my life and I can count on You to renew me as I persevere in faith. If I build my life on the sure foundation of Your love, Your Word and Your power, my life will not crumble when the storms of life come into it.
Placing my hope in You means I am counting on You to do what You have promised in Your Word. I am counting on the intervention of Your power to change my outcomes for the better. Your promise of strength to overcome the obstacles I face fills me with confidence and the will to persevere. It is by keeping my eyes on You, as I struggle with issues in my life, that I feel Your power mount up in me (as on eagles’ wings) to allow me to soar above them rather than let them bury me. To reap the benefits of Your love and care, I must patiently persevere in faith waiting for Your perfect timing to deliver me. I am thankful that you do not weary from helping me lift my burdens … listening to my pleas … standing with me … and, being my constant source of supply. As I push on in faith, trusting in Your power to deliver me, I know that Your ways will lead me to victory. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Matthew 6:13 For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.