Be exalted, O God, above the heavens and let Your countenance be seen throughout the earth. You’ve shown me mercy in my times of weakness and You’ve sheltered me until the storm has passed. When troubles abound, my faith remains steadfast in You. When fear comes upon me, I will place my trust in You to protect me from harm. You show me mercy when I clearly do not deserve it. Yet how easy it is for me to lose my focus and slip away from You.
In times past, You instructed me through Your Word that You alone are my God and I should not have any other gods … nor should I make idols for myself … because You are a jealous God. When I leave You behind, it’s because I’ve been drawn away by my vanity, lust or pride. For an idol is anything that comes between You and me and elevates itself above my devotion and service to You. Idols can be people, wealth, lusts, things, or even myself. These false Gods … imposters who dare to equate themselves with the Almighty … have a form or appearance, but lack real substance.
You have cautioned me in Your Word to not think more highly of myself than I should. If I do, then … I impose my will over Yours … I excuse my sins through vain imaginations … or, I begin thinking that a man’s thoughts are on a plane with Yours. Whatever I seek that is not of You is empty because it produces no real good in my life. My idols cannot save, love or rescue … nor should they. I only bring shame to myself when I chase after false gods. If I honor them over You, I become lost and cannot find my way. They lead to dark and dangerous places which are hard to escape. And, I have soiled the life that You cleansed with Your very own blood.
Through Your love, draw me away from sin and back to You. Help me see the errors of my way. If I will stop, examine myself and repent, my life will change for the better. Help me reclaim … my moral character … my right standing with You … and, my life from darkness and confusion … in order to walk in straight paths. Take me beyond my fears and self-doubts … my lusts and covetousness … my rebellion and self-will … my walking by sight and not by faith. For You are the TRUE GOD … faithful, trustworthy, caring and merciful. As I put away my idols, receive me back into Your heart. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Exodus 20:4 You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord God, am a jealous God …