Putting on the Whole Armor of God

All praise and honor are Yours, O Benevolent King and Master of My Fate, because Your intention for me has always been blessing and not cursing, prosperity and not poverty, joy and not sorrow and hope to displace despair.  Evil has plotted to steal my blessings, dispel my hope and destroy my faith and confidence in You.  I know that during the course of my life I must battle against rulers, against authorities, against the powers of darkness and against spiritual forces of evil.  In the face of these attacks, Your instructions are simple and straight forward … “be strong in my power and stand your ground.”  To be able to accomplish this, You’ve given me a full set of armor to withstand the attacks of my enemies and the schemes they’ve plotted to defeat me.  To prevail in my battles against evil, I must have confidence in the armor You’ve provided in order to use it effectively in defeating the attacks of my enemies with Your power.

I realize that Your armor has the power to protect me and defeat the powers of darkness.  Within the only offensive weapon You’ve provided (Your Sword) is the power of the Holy Spirit.  As I grow in faith, I will be subject to random attacks from the forces of Hell whose purpose is to knock me out of the race You planned for my life.  Therefore, I must be attentive to the task of covering myself daily in Your protection.  To be victorious, I must partner with the Holy Spirit and surround myself with His wisdom and might.  I am assured of victory over sin and evil in the words You left for me when You said “On this Rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.”  With You as the solid ground on which I stand, I know that I can withstand an attack by my enemies.  For it is not in my power that I stand, but Yours.

You have instructed me to stand firm with the Belt of Truth around my waist.  In Your truth, I have both the tools and the confidence to be an overcomer.  You have provided me with the Breastplate of Righteousness to protect my most vulnerable part … my heart.  You’ve shod my feet with the Gospel of Peace so I can stand my ground … stable and immovable.  To ward off the fiery darts of my attackers, You’ve given me the Shield of Faith to protect myself.  Your faith strengthens my hope and aids me in persevering through my battles.  To protect my mind from the deceptions and lies of Satan, You’ve given me the Helmet of Salvation to preserve my thinking, emotions and motives.  And, with the Sword of the Spirit (Your Word) You’ve given me the same tool that You gave Your Son when He prevailed after being lead into the desert to be tempted by the Devil.  I am thankful that You’ve given me Your whole armor to use in my daily skirmishes with my enemies.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Ephesians 6:10-11 Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God so that you can take Your stand against the Devil’s schemes. 

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