I praise You, O Lord of Light, for You are highly exalted. You are my strength when I am weak and the very joy of my heart when I am filled with sorrow. In Your hands rests all power … even the power to deliver me. There is not one who can compare to You in loving kindness, fullness of mercy and as a dispenser of grace. Your unfailing love guides me to do what is right and to be considerate and caring toward others. I can count on the fact that You will judge my actions fairly and reward me according to the righteousness of my ways.
Help me put into action Your principle of reaping and sowing. Starting out, I know that everything I do has consequences. Therefore, if I sow sparingly, I will reap sparingly … and, if I sow generously, I will reap generously. Because You cannot be deceived, if I sow to myself, I will reap the consequences which become my destruction. So, show me how to return good for evil … an opened hand for a clinched fist … loving forgiveness in return for hatred … a word of truth for lies and deception … and something given freely in love for something selfishly taken by force. I want to learn how to think before I act … consider before I respond … and, withhold before I release what I cannot take back. My desire is to be fair and kind to all people … realizing they are Your children too. I never want to look down on anyone and feel superior to the least of my brethren. I need to be stable-minded and fair in my dealings with others. In other words, I need to become more like You.
I am reminded in Your Word that I make choices daily as to who I will serve. I know I cannot serve both You and man … or any other gods. There are many imposters who seek my allegiance and devotion … power, wealth, status and things. At times, I even try to make myself a master when I try to lead my children’s lives for them, try to make others do my bidding or when I seek the highest places of honor. Rather than elevate myself, I must take the lower road of humility … just as You did … in order to be an example for others to emulate in their quest to be more like You. I want to practice the principle of treating others the way I want to be treated. In my dealings with others, I do not want to act harshly so as to harden their hearts or too weakly that my message goes unheeded. I know that Your way is the right way and You will always steer me in the direction I should be traveling. My goal is to become a sower of good things so I can reap of the same. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.