Remaining Watchful (The Message of Advent)

My Beloved Savior, You came when men least expected it and return each year in Advent to call us again to Your side. Advent celebrates the expectation of Your coming to give us the gift of eternal life. During Advent, I seek You and Your wisdom to guide me on my journey through life. In Advent, You teach me to hope again. For as I watch and wait for Your coming, hope springs from within and I am drawn to You. I have lived in darkness much of my life … striving for things (which do not satisfy) … busying myself with living (spending time on just surviving) … and, being preoccupied with things that have no eternal meaning. During Advent, I am made conscious of who You are … filling myself with a desire to become more like You … and, acting in ways that produce good in my life and the life of others. Advent reminds me of Your coming … at Christmas and in the end times.

You came to men suddenly like the sun rising in the morning chasing away the darkness and giving hope to those who dared to hope in You. In the light that You give, I see You at work in my life and the lives of others. To be able to see what You want me to see, I must have an internal conversion that makes my spirit attuned to Yours. This allows me to see things through Your perspective. As I understand more about You, I begin to understand what You want of me. Through my sins, I have become unclean and my righteousness is like filthy rags. My inner man became like a shriveling leaf. I was swept back and forth by the philosophies of men and the deceptions of my enemy. I could not hear Your call and my life seemed a waste without You. Then You came to me, leading me out of the darkness into Your light which showed me the way to Your heart. In Your light, I can now grow spiritually.

You have instructed me in Your Word to watch and pray. You encourage me not to become lazy or distracted. I must live each day as though You were coming right then. You ask me in the time of waiting for Your coming to go about caring for Your people and doing the work to which I have been called. Knowing that Your coming will be sudden and unsuspected should motivate me to always be prepared. I can no longer live irresponsibly … sitting and waiting … doing nothing … seeking self-serving pleasures … using Your delay in coming as an excuse to not be about the work of Your Kingdom … and, developing a false sense of security. I must be watchful not to fall into temptation … for my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak. I must understand that my most important responsibility is to be watchful of evil and Your coming. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

I Thessalonians 5:6 So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled.

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