Heavenly Master, all the earth is Yours and everything that is in it. Praise be to Your Holy Name. There is none like You in all the earth. As My Good shepherd, Your desire is to lead me to passages filled with blessings and plenty. As My Comforter, Your desire is to reassure me and ease my suffering and pain. As My Omnipotent Father, Your desire is to fill me with goodness, teach how to walk uprightly and give me an inheritance. I rejoice in the fact that You are always finding ways to place good in my life, protect me from danger and show me how to become an overcomer. Why then do I act so obstinately? I push back at the pricks … I resist Your call … I turn my back on the things of Your Kingdom to bask in the ways of the earth. After many warnings, I blame my shortcomings on You and others and do not heed Your correction. I know that, as My God, You will afflict me with the fruits of my disobedience. I know You will do whatever it takes to turn me from evil, so when will I ever learn? When will I ever repent?
I do believe that repentance is my way back into Your favor. Turning my back on sin, not You, is what I must do. Rejecting the enticements of my enemy and the world to love and serve You is the better way. Help me to learn the meaning of the “fear of the Lord” … not learning to dread or cower from You presence, but desiring it in order to show You honor and respect. I know that You are bigger than any problem I face, my fleshly weakness or the many flaws that I have. I walk confidently knowing that greater are You than any power that may try to overtake me. In You, I can believe all things and do all things. I know that when I sin You await my coming in a spirit of repentance and sorrow. Help me grasp the gravity of the things I willingly and unwillingly choose to do in rebellion against You and neglect of duties to my fellow man. Help me see the pain that I inflict and the unintended consequences of thoughtless actions. Cleanse me and renew me in Your image so that I shine forth Your goodness and love.
I am comforted by the fact that You love me. I believe that what You want for me is good and holy. I am confident that You can teach me how to die to self so I can live a life of service to You and Your people. I have the inner assurance that you will be with me always. And I am blessed to know that I have a Comforter (the Holy Spirit) who walks with me daily, speaks to me with words of truth and who wants to show me the way to walk uprightly. I rejoice because of all the good things You’ve placed in my life and I thank You for Your attentive care in meeting my needs. You have surely come to the rescue of this repentant heart and for that I am eternally grateful. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Acts 3:19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that Your sins may be wiped out and times of refreshing may come from the Lord …