Most Blessed Savior, as Christians we battle against powerful forces of evil whose objective it is to defeat us or take us as captives. In planning a defense, I should learn from the lessons of the lion. Lions look to attack sick, weak, young and struggling victims. They also attack those who are alone and not alert. Therefore, I must be particularly watchful when I am suffering … going through struggles … feeling weak, alone and helpless. I am extremely vulnerable when I feel cut off from others. If I spend all my time focusing on my problems, I forget to watch out for danger and become subject to attacks. I can never forget that the reason the Devil and his minions come to attack me is to rob, steal and destroy. If he can steal my hope and kill my faith … then he will surely have a good start on destroying my relationship with You. The Serpent often uses cunning to deflect my focus on You by filling my life with confusion and turmoil.
Help me develop the tools it will take to breakdown the enemy’s arguments intended to draw me from you and tear down the walls he builds to keep me from You. It is easy to become frightened by the wickedness I see all around me. Evil appears to be stronger than I am, but I am comforted by the fact that You are stronger. I am encouraged to know that You can and will destroy the influence of evil using the power of the Holy Spirit and Your Word which dwell in me. Help me never nurse hurts and resentments because, if I do, it gives Satan an opportunity to guide me away from You. It is through hurting words, bitterness, anger, fights and bad attitudes toward others that leave a door open for him to enter in and assume control of my life. Today’s pressures make it easy to ignore what I know is Your will or forget the lessons of the past. The key to remembering is the study of Your Word so I can be reminded of the pitfalls that lie ahead.
Your Word instructs me in how to go about resisting evil. It tells me to submit to You … resist the Devil … and draw closer because You will draw closer to me. How then should I go about resisting evil? First, I must yield to Your authority and will, commit my life to You and be willing to follow where You lead me. Next, I must avoid the occasions of sin by staying away from enticements. Thirdly, I must purify my life through sorrow and confession. I must also humble myself … realizing I am nothing without You and my worth comes totally from You. I must take spiritual warfare seriously … standing in the power of the Holy Spirit and being alert for the Devil’s tactics. When I feel weak and vulnerable, I must seek out other believers who will help me regain my focus and encourage me in Your Word. As a result, possessing all of these tools to resist evil, I know I will be successful. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
James 4:7-8 Submit to God. Resist the Devil and he will flee. Come near to God and He will come near to You.