Blessed is Your name, Most Holy One, for You have revealed to me that You are the light of the world. If darkness prevails in my life, it’s because I have excluded You from it. Being my light means that You want to share Your wisdom with me to help me put it to work in my life. If I live by Your truths, light will become a part of my life so that I can plainly see that without You I am nothing. Sometimes I do not want my life exposed to Your light for fear of what it will reveal. Rather than giving in to worry and discouragement, I must turn to You in prayer asking for Your help in seeing how much better I can live walking in Your light rather than darkness. I do not want my claim to fame to be doing good deeds, becoming a worldly whiz, or accumulating possessions. I want to put my effort in allowing You to teach me and guide me in paths of righteousness. Without Your light, it is hard to make good decisions.
As my Guiding Light, You share with me what I need to know, and You rely on me to put it into good use. You have said that my eyes give entrance to Your light. Therefore, what I read, what I watch, what I focus my attention on are the things that will influence me the most. As my Lamp of Learning, what You teach me helps me to do what is reasonable, helps me exercise good judgement and causes me to strive to do good. Help me as I undertake my search for more of You which will guide me to freedom from the yoke of fear, guilt, worry and confusion. I need You to illuminate my mind and spirit so I can become one with You and find peace/rest. In Your truth, I know that I will flourish, grow in faith, and learn and grow. It is when I surrender to the principles in Your Word that I am shaped into Your image, gain an admittance to Your Kingdom, and overcome my obstacles.
My heart yearns to know more about You and Your ways. To do that, I must become faithful in the study of who You are and how the words You spoke affect my life. As I fill myself with a greater knowledge of who You are, I will become a better witness for You and bear good fruit. In Your wisdom, I can act in accordance with Your will. Learning from You allows me to claim Your promises, find rest, make good choices, and become a doer of Your Word. When I allow evil to come into my life, it blots out Your light and leaves me vulnerable to sin. You revealed that You are the light of the world, and I should not hide that light under a basket. Instead, I am to shine it in a manner that will draw men to You. What I need is a better “spiritual vision” so I can see more clearly what You want of me. That is why my search for Your light is an unending task. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 12:46 I have come into the world as a light so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.