Seeking Your Kingdom

Most Compassionate King, I rejoice in the knowledge that Your Kingdom exists today through Your dwelling in my heart.  Yet it is also spoken of as a future event because You have promised to return to reign over a perfect Kingdom where sin and evil no longer exist.  Your Kingdom is more than a place … and is more reflective of Your position as the “ruler of my heart”.  It is an expression of my willingness to submit to You and join You in fellowship.  In Your coming to earth, access to Your Kingdom is manifest in the tearing of the temple veil in two when You died.  No longer am I a subject of the Kingdom of Darkness, but the Kingdom of Light.  Your Kingdom residing within me is a foreshadowing of the day when You will actually come to take Your place as The Ruler over all things.  Yours is not a Kingdom of this world, but exists in the spiritual realm where I become one with You.

Your Kingdom exists within my heart where I’ve given You “kingship” and made You a vital part of my life.  Trusting You and inviting You to dwell in me has established a firm foundation upon which Your Kingdom is being built.  It starts out very small (like a mustard seed or a sprinkling of yeast) and grows as my knowledge of You increases and my relationship with You expands.  Your Kingdom is more precious and valuable than anything I can own.  When I stumbled upon it, I recognized it as being a possession of great value.  As a result, I will do whatever it takes to maintain it and foster its growth.  Unseating evil from my life is a clear sign that Your Kingdom is firmly rooted within my heart.  Allowing Your Kingdom to reside within me shows my preference of Your values over those of the world.

To seek Your Kingdom, I must turn to You first when I face struggles and adversity.  It means filling my thoughts with Your truths.  It means using the example of Your life as my pattern for living.  And, it means I freely give You my faithful service and complete obedience.  Your Kingdom is not comprised of physical possessions or powers.  It shows itself in my doing what’s right and eliminating sin.  It is found in an abounding peace and the security of Your love and care.  It is embodied in the joy, contentment and happiness I feel from being in relationship with You.  As a citizen of Your Kingdom, I am seeking different benefits and attitudes than those found in the world.  I reject prideful and selfishness actions and power plays and, in their place, I’m trying to reflect humility, self-sacrifice and true caring.  I am happy in having sought Your Kingdom and having found it.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Matthew 6:31-33 So do not worry, saying ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For the pagans run after all these things, and Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.

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