Most Blessed Savior, when I gave myself to You, Your wish for me was to go out and be of service to others. The ones who are ignorant of Your coming to save them … those struggling to meet their basic needs … those caught in the trap of drugs and alcohol … and those who have lost their way. Your command was to go forth and bring glad tidings of Your love for them. My message is to tell them about Your deep love for them, the sacrifice You made to save them and how You want their lives to be filled with good things. As Your child, I am to comfort those who mourn … assist those who are about to be crushed under the weight of their burdens and cannot shed them … bring hope to the hopeless … help the lost find their way to eternal life … and bring light to those who live in darkness. If I share my experiences with You, I feel like they will want to know more about You.
You have instructed me to not hide Your light under a bushel basket. Instead, I am to guide others to Your truth and the fact that you love them deeply. Instead of furthering their feelings of sadness and disappointment, I am to scatter seeds of joy to lift their spirits and heal their broken hearts. Help me find the words that will convince them that their life, and every life, matters to You. Show me how to sow good seed among those in need and You will be there to meet their needs. Make Your Word come alive in me so that I can share the truth with them and show Your goodness to all men. Place in me the confidence I need so I do not shrink back from Your calling to make You known to the lost and give hope to the downtrodden. Empower me with Your Holy Spirit so I can bring hope to those who have lost theirs and see no way up.
You came into the world in humble service to those who did not know You. Give me a heart like Yours so that I too, with conviction and boldness, can reach out to those who are lost and in bondage to sin. There are many who are enslaved by sin and I want them to know the reality of what You did to set them free. I want them to understand that there is a Savior who came to free them from their sins and fears. Stir up Your compassion in me so I will have the courage to step out of my “safety zone” and make myself vulnerable to those I do not know. You want to heal ailing souls and help them bask in the comfort of Your love. Your desire is that no man go unsaved and no life not be made whole. Use me as a vessel to reach out to them. Because You have given me so much and made a new life possible, I willingly give myself in service to You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your body as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.