Speaking the Truth and Acting In Love

My All-Knowing Lord, truth and love are subjects of discussion in the world but are seldom practiced. From politicians to corporate leaders to ordinary people they conveniently ignore or conceal facts and use words to enhance or hide their intentions. Lying and half-truths are common while integrity and creditability are lacking. Words twisted and taken out of context have become tools for hiding the real truth. It is not surprising that witnesses in legal proceedings are required to swear to tell the “whole truth.” The world is filled with words … songs, greeting cards, news shows, social media commentaries, novels, etc. Words lay out beliefs, dreams, ideas, feelings, etc. Real love, however, is scarce. What is lacking are unselfish acts, giving generously, caring for others, sharing in hardships and making personal sacrifices. The world yearns for love and to be loved but experience few living examples.

You are the antithesis of the world’s values, that is, falsehoods and self-centeredness were not what He came to show me. For You are truth and love and came to show me and how to live them. As a consequence, all who profess loyalty to You must be committed to those ideals. Following the truth and living the truth … reflecting love and acting with love towards others. Because the Apostles saw truth and love in Your words and actions, they were compelled to follow in Your example. Truth and love are vital to all Christians and cannot be separated from Christian living. The Word encourages me to walk in truth and obey You. In addition, I am to watch out for deceivers who come to steal Your Word and its message to love and speak the truth. As a sincere Christian, I must commit myself to being a person of truth, love and obedience.

To live a Christian life, I must seek to know the Bible and never twist its words to meet my own meanings or salve my conscious. To obey You to the fullest, I must speak the truth in whatever I say and love others the way that You did. Helping people with their problems, giving a helping hand when they have needs, encouraging them through tough times all demonstrate that love is real and also gives others a picture of who You are. I have learned through You that there are many ways that I can show love: Avoiding prejudice, accepting others, listening with compassion, serving unselfishly and not judging. Knowing Your commands is not enough, I must put them into action in my life. If I persist in speaking the truth and loving others as You loved me, I know my life will be rewarding and fulfilling. And It’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

III John 1:11 Do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is of God.

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