Speaking With Boldness

O Persevering Lord, boldness is neither reckless nor impulsive. It takes courage to press on through fears and do the right thing. How then do I become bold in sharing You with others? I know that praying for more courage and a willingness to be more vulnerable is a key. I also need to seek the help of the Holy Spirit with both of these things. I must be on-the-ready to detect natural openings with family, neighbors and friends. I must realize that rejection, social discomfort, and embarrassment are not signs of failure. To start, I should be looking for small ways that I might begin to share about You with others. Differences of opinion are inevitable but I should never come across with a know-it-all attitude. My motivation in sharing You with others should be my loyalty, commitment and love for You and Your Word. I must possess a loving heart and a desire to see other’s lives bettered.

Acknowledging all that You’ve done for me and provided through Your mercy helps make me want to share You with others. The more You mean to me, the more desirous I want to share You with others. Although people come to respect me, they may be reluctant to join me. I must be in tune with the things that drew me to You and use them as an entry point to speaking about You. What may help them connect to You is hearing what You’ve done in my life or how You’ve changed me. They will be more likely to accept what I am sharing with them if they can sense my sincerity and honesty. It might also be helpful when they perceive my kindness and generosity. The more my life mimics Yours, the more people will be drawn to You. When I share how much You mean to me, I feel they will have a desire to share in what You came to give them. In witnessing, I must rely on the Holy Spirit to give me the words.

Faith is a key part of my witnessing because without it fear prevails. Faith drives out fear and gives me a clear runway to witnessing about You. Sharing You with others rarely causes me the harm that early Christian’s endured. It is mostly my “pride” that suffers because I want to be recognized and considered to be a sound thinker. Even the slightest reluctance to receive what I am sharing makes me feel like a failure or a fanatic whose gone off the deep end. If my witnessing is not accepted I am not a failure and the other person must not be ready. After all, I must realize that for someone to come to know You is a process of someone planting, someone watering and someone bringing in the harvest. I may never know which role I am being asked to fill, but I must do whatever You ask me to do. My mission is to go out each day wanting to share You with others and I accept it. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all of creation.”

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