Most Beloved Son of God in whom I live and move and have my very being, I rejoice in belonging to You. I know that You are close to me and covet Your relationship with all of Your offspring. As my God, You are sovereign and supreme over every aspect of my life. I rejoice in my decision to give You total control over my life. I rest confidently in knowing that You are faithful and stand with me as I love, serve and obey You. If I am attentive to Your commands, decrees and laws, You will honor the promises You have made to me. As I long as I remain true to You, You will bless me in all of my ways. When forces greater that me block my path, I will not fear or worry because You are standing with me. You are mighty and awesome and can withstand any force that comes to overtake me. I must be diligent in obeying all of Your commands so that I might prosper and remain free.
I pledge my love to You so that we may link ourselves together as an indestructible force for good. How great is Your goodness that is reserved for those of us who love You and seek our place in You. In the shelter of Your presence, I am given protection and refuge from my enemies. Because of Your devotion to me, I will place my hope in You. Knowing that You go through everything with me enables my faith to grow regardless of what I face. Your guidance keeps me from taking matters into my own hands and falling flat on my face. Your love is as big as the universe … Your faithfulness as wide and deep as the ocean … Your might is as solid as the mountains … and Your judgements are filled with wisdom. Your counsel is beyond reproach and lead to an abundant life. I am comforted in the knowledge that You will care for me throughout eternity.
I know that Your commands are given to help me lead a righteous life. Whenever I listen to the world, I become double minded and struggle to separate evil from good. However, if I remain faithful to Your Word, it will provide me with truth and answers I need for my life. I must decide … either I obey You or I do not … I do what I want or I do what You want … I proceed with the my mission You gave me or I abandon it. If I do not put my trust into You and Your Word, how can I expect to be under Your covering and protection? My faith is able to grow when I apply the scriptures to my daily life. It is like medicine and You are my physician. It heals me and makes me whole again. The entry of Your wisdom makes me wise and capable of making good choices. As I listen to You, I am guided in all that I do. Your standing with me allows me to accomplish whatever You set before me. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Romans 14:8 If we live, we live to the Lord; if we die, we die to the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.