Stopping to Listen

O Fountain of Knowledge, help me realize that I do not have to be perfect in order to hear from You.  Even when I feel like a failure, I can still try to be a good example.  I find myself continually imploring You for guidance and wisdom in making my choices.  When I act impulsively or foolishly, I regret not taking time to check in with You to find out what You’d do if You were me.  I know that, if I waver or doubt, You still want to speak to me, but I’m less likely to be able to recognize and hear Your voice.  Whenever I start to feel unworthy of Your time or counsel, help me remember that confession and repentance can put me in a place where I can hear and do Your will.  I know that my real, or perceived, failures keep me from seeking to be close to You.  When I need to know Your will, I do not want to let my failures keep me from approaching You for restoration.  I need Your help in listening whenever I feel like hesitating.

In Your Word, You tell me “I am the Good Shepherd; I know my sheep and they know Me.”  In another place, You say “He (The Shepherd) goes ahead of them and His sheep follow because they know His voice.”  I believe that one reason sheep follow their shepherd’s voice is because they spend time together and the sheep become familiar with the ways of their shepherd and how he talks to them.  Surely I too can become familiar with My Shepherd’s voice and ways if I spend time in The Word and are taught by good teachers.  Another reason sheep know their shepherd’s voice is because what he does and what he tells them to do is good for them … like leading them to good pasture and clean water and protecting them from their enemies.  To hear the shepherd’s voice, the sheep must remain attentive and not become distracted or drawn away by their desires and curiosity.  I know that, if I get distracted and I let my guard down or lose my focus, I will miss the cues You are sending to guide me.

In the Scriptures, You say “Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in.”  I know that I need the encouragement and power of Your words to walk uprightly.  Too often, I find myself enjoying the pleasures of the world and do not notice You are wanting to speak to me.  The pleasures of the world are dangerous because their temporary satisfaction make me indifferent to Your pleas for my attention.  I must begin to leave the door of my heart open to You so that I don’t have to worry about hearing You knock.  To do this, I must make time throughout my day to acknowledge and commune with You.  Only then will I assure myself of an “open line” to You that will provide me the information I need to make good choices.  Help me put aside the distractions and disruptions of daily life that block me from drawing closer to you.  By doing all of these things, I will be able to stop and listen to what You have to say.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Revelation 3:20 Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he will eat with Me.

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