Stopping to Smell the Roses

All glory be Yours, O Precious Son of God.  I seek Your help in not taking for granted the small, yet important, blessings You send my way each day …  they are the almost unnoticed things that can make my day be positive rather than negative.

Like the sight of blooming flowers in the spring or the smell of an open fire in the fall filling me with contentment and making me feel it’s great to be alive;

Or, watching the sun come up in the morning and gazing at the millions of stars that fill the sky at night which blow me away by their beauty and awesomeness;

Like waking up in the morning, taking a deep breath, watching the daylight burst forth and acknowledging, with thanksgiving, the specialness of a new day shared with You and those I love;

Seeing a human child or a baby animal being born or watching a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon reminding me how special life is and how it should be protected;

Like eating 3 meals a day or sleeping in the comfort of an air conditioned bedroom in the summer illustrating the simple things that make my life better;

Or, being healed when I am sick or having a friend make me laugh when I am sad that speaks to me of the wonderfulness of relationship with You and others;

When I struggle to pay my bills and You send a miracle to meet my needs or when I am confounded by a problem and You reveal a solution, I understand You are with me in all things at all times;

Like when I am reminded of Your principles of reaping and sowing… loving and forgiving… accepting and treasuring … receiving and sharing… I see a reflection of You in all of them;

Being stained with sin and watching as You wash them away as I repent and confess them all illustrates the immense tenderness of Your heart.

My life is filled with many distractions and turmoil that sap my strength and steal my joy.  If I take my eyes off of You, for even an instant, my life starts to crumble.  But a soft word spoken by the Holy Spirit … or an encouraging phone call from a friend … or a passage from Your Word hitting home … all draw me back to the specialness of Your love and concern for me.  My time can be stolen and that diminishes from my ability to maintain balance in my life.  Whenever I get muddled in the details and forget to stop and smell the roses, help me see Your daily blessings and Your presence in my life.  In so-doing, I will have reason to keep praising You at all times and in all things.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen!!

Matthew 6:34 Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have enough worries.  Each day has enough to be concerned about on its own.

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