My Beloved Savior, Your most inviting words are captured in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. In the words captured through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I am told … He took the bread, gave thanks and broke it saying “Take and eat; this is my body.” And in a similar manner … He took the cup, gave thanks and said “Drink from it all of you; this is my blood of the new covenant which is poured out for the forgiveness of sins.” The sacrament holds many meanings for me: The “Lord’s Supper” connects the Passover Meal with Jesus gathering with his disciples; the Eucharist expresses thanksgiving for what Christ has done on my behalf; and, communion reflects my connecting with You for comfort and direction. In eating Your body and drinking Your blood, I am called to reflect on Your suffering, death, resurrection and acknowledge the marvelous gifts You have given to me.
Under the Old Testament, the faithful could only approach God through a Priest’s sacrifice of an animal deemed to be perfect. Under the New Testament, I can now come directly to God through Your sacrifice. You were the “Perfect Lamb” who in Your sinless state could be an offering worthy of satisfying the debt I owed for my sins. It is easy to say I’ve committed my life to You, but my claim only becomes meaningful when I am able to stand up under the intense struggles of my trials. Because of the anguish You suffered, You can relate to the suffering I endure. In communion, I relate to Your suffering and I am assured that You relate to mine. Your strength to obey the request of Your Father to sacrifice Yourself for me came from Your close relationship with Him. My power to overcome will be in proportion to my relationship with You. Communion is my ultimate connection with You.
The meaning of the bread and wine in the Passover Meal took on a whole new meaning with the inclusion as Your Body and Blood. It became a reminder of the significance of what You did to save me. It is the way that You have chosen to feed my spirit. The bread and wine become who You are and act as a living memorial of Your sacrifice for me. When I partake of Your Body and Blood, I show my gratitude for what You’ve done for me. As a result, my faith is able to grow. In Your invitation to partake in communion, I am invited to remember Your sacrifice and the friendship You offer. The communion celebration institutes a “new covenant” whereby I am granted “total” forgiveness from my sins and a permanent place by Your side in Heaven. Through Your Body and Blood I am given a fresh start and I am grateful for that. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I Corinthians 11:26 For whoever eats this bread and drinks this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes again.