The Good News

Most Generous Lord, through You, salvation is available to all regardless of a person’s identity, sins or heritage.  We are saved by grace (the undeserved favor of God) through faith (a complete trust and devotion) in You and the work You did on Calvary.  Through Your loving acts, on Good Friday through Easter Sunday, I can now stand before Your Father fully justified (declared not guilty).  Along with the salvation comes freedom from the power of sin, freedom from eternal death and freedom to become like You and discover Your limitless love.  A big benefit that accrues with accepting The Good News is that You have brought together all of mankind into One Body.  I can now come to You for lessons on how to increase in Godly wisdom and practice unconditional love.  Through submission to You, I now have the ability to be sensitive and helpful to those who have needs.

Because every man has sinned and fallen short of Your Father’s expectation, You have redeemed me and others through the shedding of Your blood.  You became the perfect sacrifice to atone for every man’s errors and missteps.  Through Your loving submission to the will of Your Father, perfect justice was attained.  There is no way for me to boast or take credit for my salvation because only You were capable of being a perfect sacrifice.  By my believing in You, my salvation is complete and I have peace with My Father.  Through my belief in You, I am now dead to sin and all of its enticements.  I was buried with You in Baptism and have been born into a new life.  Therefore, if I died with You, surely I’ve been raised with You.  The old man is no longer a slave to sin, but the new man is now a slave to righteousness so I can follow after You.  Sin is no longer my master … instead, it is grace.

Having given myself to You, I am no longer controlled by my sinful nature, rather by the Holy Spirit.  By living in accordance with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I reject  the misdeeds of my fallen nature and live in accordance with Your will.  It is the Holy Spirit who confirms to me that I am a child of God.  Not only a child, but a co-heir with You.  All of the benefits that accrue to You are now made available to me.  Through You, the depth of Godly wisdom has been given to me and Your path has been made known to me.  The Spirit is now free to counsel me in how to live in accordance with Your will.  Although Your methods and how You achieve them are beyond my comprehension, I have trust in the fact that You love me and care about my needs.  While You owe me nothing, Your generosity has made all things available to me.  This is the Good News that I accepted.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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