The Light

Most Enlightening Lord, You said in describing Yourself “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” A benefit from Your coming is that the darkness of evil will never overcome or extinguish Your light in me. As the creator of life, You are assuring me that knowing You provides light for my life and it can never be put out. In Your light, I am able to see what I really am (a sinner in need of a Savior). When I follow You (my “true light”), I avoid walking around blindly and falling for the traps set out by the Devil. You light the path before me so I can see and understand how to align my life with Your plans for me. You remove the dark cloud that sin casts over me so I can have a clear line of sight to where You want me to go. If I allow Your light to shine in me, it will prevent me from stumbling in the darkness.

I recall from the Old Testament that when Your people exited Egypt a pillar of fire followed them as they traveled on their journey to the promised land. The fire burned each night to help them see where they were going in a strange land. It also kept them from fearing things they could not see. The pillar of fire represents Your presence, protection and guidance. You bring that same light into my life today … though not in such a physical manifestation. As soldiers follow their commander or a slaves follow their master, so should I be willing to follow You because You walk in the light and You emulate light. In the same way that I follow the laws of my country, so will I follow You, my trusted Counselor. As I read Your Word, my eyes become illuminated with Your light which allows me to see the truth and how to live by it. Only when I approach You with an open mind do I allow Your light to shine within me.

If life becomes too complex, I can turn to You for an infusion of Your Light which will allow me to see the way You want me to go. Regardless of how dark my future may seem; Your light is an antidote for the struggles I will face. In the same way that light helps plants to grow into their full potential, the shining of Your light into my life facilitates the grow of my faith to its full potential. Light is always associated with life. With it all things grow and without it they die. While the Lord, in all of His wisdom, gave us a sun for light during the day and the stars and moon for light at night, He also provided all of mankind with the light of His Son which He sent so we could thrive and grow. When You left the world, You left the Holy Spirit to continue to shine Your light to us. As I grow in Your light You expect me and all Believers to shine Your light into the world that needs You. And its in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

John 8:12 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

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