The Miraculous You

My Miraculous Lord, the awesomeness of how You can take something non-existent or very small and turn it into something big and beneficial has not escaped me. There is the creation of the earth and universe which You took from nothing and by the power of Your words created a marvelous place for man to dwell. I have personally experienced the gift of life which you gave to me and my wife to create a life and watch it grow. It has been a miraculous experience to watch a tiny fertilized human egg become a baby, then a child, then a full-grown human being. I saw You born as a tiny infant who grew into a full-grown human who offered Himself as a sacrifice for all of mankind. And there was the time that You took five barley loaves and two small fish and fed five thousand people. In today’s world, You are taking small amounts of faith and turning them into a sizeable effort on Your behalf.

I remember that when You called me I was not wise by human standards, nor very influential, nor important by worldly standards. Yet You promised me that one day I could amount to something as described in I Corinthians where Your Word proclaimed “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of the world and the despised things to nullify the things that are.” How wonderful it is to know that while I am so minuscule (when compared to the universe, the earth and eternity) that I have a key role to play in the furtherance of Your Kingdom. Even though I am small, in You, I can be made into something unique and special. You have shown me that earthly skill and wisdom do get me into Your Kingdom … simple faith does. The power to do great things comes from You and in You all things are possible.

Through the promise of Your Word, I understand that all things work out for my good as I respond to You. Your goal is to make me more like You and, if I comply with Your calling, You’ll empower me to do something bigger than I could ever imagine. What a beautiful way of taking something very small and turning it into a BIG DEAL for You. Through my relationship with You, I am discovering who I am and I’m beginning to understand Your purpose for my life. By reading and heeding Your Word, studying Your life through the Gospels, allowing You full reign in my life, and engaging in the work You created me to do, I gain stature in Your eyes. What has become clear to me is that Your purpose for my life is not an afterthought but is something You define as “great” in Your eyes. Through my experiences, I am seeing what a miraculous role you play in my life. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Acts 2:22 Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs which God did among you through Him.

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