The Perfect Sacrifice (Lenten Theme)

O Precious Son of God, by the offering of Yourself as a ransom for my life, You’ve given me a chance to live as an overcomer.  Through Your unselfish act, I have been given freedom and a new life.  Only a love, perfect like Yours, could do so much to impact my life.  I feel unworthy of such a sacrifice but I can show You my appreciation by living the life You gave me uprightly and in submission to Your will.  My desire is to use Your sacrificial gift as a blueprint for living my life.  I struggle with the concept of loving unconditionally but, if I look to Your example, I’m sure I’ll be able to get it right over time.  As I struggle to get my life on track, I know You stand ready and able to help me turn things around.  You gave up so much in order that I could have so much more.  Through Your perfect sacrifice, I can rejoice in the hope I will be strengthened and prepared for the struggles I will face in the future.

I am overjoyed to be a recipient of the blessings which Your death and resurrection earned for me.  You gave Your life so I could take mine back.  You were the ransom and I was the purchased possession.  You were the perfect sacrifice and I was the redeemed.  Everything was taken from You so that I could possess more.  You became my light so that I could find my way out of darkness.  You were beaten and attacked so that I could be protected and safe.  You were ridiculed and derided so that I could be praised and held in high esteem.  You came and gave unselfishly so that I could learn how to do the same.  My heart has been pierced at the very thought of how much You had to go through to make it possible for me to be set free from my fleshly desires, my erratic emotions and the influence of evil.  Your love has shown me the depth of Your love and, by Your willingness to obey Your Heavenly Father, have brought into reality the plan of redemption.

I am ashamed of the fact that my sins caused You so much pain and anguish.  Your life has become a beacon that guides me out of my ignorance and confusion.  You came to be my Shepherd who’d lead me to places of refreshing and renewal.  You came in love so that I could become Your beloved.  You came bearing gifts … the chief one being my salvation and, the other important one, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  I know that by following Your example, I am being led to a better way of living that is based on Your morals and character.  You are the wheat, formed into bread, so I might be sustained.  And, You are the grapes, formed into wine, so I may drink of immortality.  Because of Your obedience, I’ve been reconciled and made ready for Heaven.  Through You, a door has been opened so I can walk in Your holiness.  I am so grateful for Your perfect sacrifice.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Hebrews 10:14 … by one sacrifice He made perfect forever those who are being made holy.

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