The Power of Encouragement

O Faithful and True God, I am so blessed to know that when my heart is heavy with anxiety and worry, You have the right words to cheer me up.  Life is like a team sport where everybody must do their part to help achieve the team’s goal.  As Your child, it is my role to spread the Good News and bring a message of hope to those who have none.  I must strive to build up others when they have true needs … the way that You do for me.  I must always speak the truth, flavored heavily with love, so that seeds of truth may be sown on good soil … the way that Your truths are sown in me.  Help me remain sensitive to the needs of others because even a smile or a hug can be uplifting to someone going through hard times.  The world is a difficult place to live in and I can use all the help I can get.  Since I do not know the specific needs of each person, I will strive to bless and encourage everyone who comes across my path.

I know that Your desire is for everyone to be encouraged and experience Your love.  In receiving these things, we are actually encountering You.  A portion of Your request of me is to help bear the burdens of my neighbor and, in so doing, I am fulfilling the letter and the spirit of Your laws.  Encouragement is not a “come and go” thing, but a daily exercise.  You do it for me and I must be willing to do it for others.  As my brothers, sisters and I become involved in each other’s lives, it fosters a better way and lasting relationships.  Therefore, it is my duty to encourage others through application of Your Word, displaying genuine concern, praying for real needs and ministering to heavy hearts.  In building up others, I am building up Your church … and by encouraging others, I am strengthening Your church.

I know that You are faithful and will be there for me, but in times of hardship and distress it is nice to have the touch of a human hand.  Having a real people encourage me is very uplifting.  When You came down from Heaven and lived among us, You gained an appreciation for the importance of personal relationships.  To become an effective minister, I need to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in serving others, encouraging them in righteous living and giving freely of myself.  The best help I can give another person is to help shoulder their burden and assist in managing it.  I do this by showing empathy, giving encouragement, doing what I can and praying for guidance.  Help me be a light to others so they can see their way more clearly.  I believe that even a few encouraging words can make a big difference.  Yours do for me and I hope mine do for others because I have seen the power of Your encouragement to change the outlooks and outcomes of men.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Colossians 1:27 To them God has chosen to make known the glorious riches of Christ in You, the hope and glory.

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