My Heavenly King, I am enriched by reading Your Word and meditating on the meanings and mysteries contained in them. I treasure the words in the scriptures because they are inspired by the Holy Spirit and have been preserved for me to know real truth … be corrected in my daily living … and, be taught how to walk in Your ways. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, Your words were captured by the Prophets, Apostles and Disciples for my benefit. Each time I read the words contained in the Bible, I see or learn something new that’s invaluable for my life. I see them as alive and shining forth the light I need to see my way forward. You have given me Your Word to act as a sword that separates the intents and motives of my heart and to use as a weapon against the evil one … as you did when You went into the desert to be tested. As surely as the rain refreshes the parched soil, so do Your words refresh me when I am feeling down and dejected.
I am happy to see Your Word being fulfilled in many aspects of my life. It feeds my longing soul … it turns the wastelands of my life into verdant fields … it accomplishes everything that is sent to do (when I believe) … and, it shows me the way to prosperity and overcoming. As I read Your Word with a searching heart, I see the lessons and principles I need to overcome obstacles and solve problems. Each time I delve into the scriptures, I learn more about You and that draws me closer to You. I rejoice in the fact that whenever I encounter a problem a scripture pops into my head that helps me navigate the land mines set out by my enemy to destroy my plans. They also show me how to escape to safety. I am comforted in knowing that Your words live in me and they are turning my hard heart into one of tender love. I read Your Word as though they were personal pledges and I use them as a foundation for my life.
Your words act as a shield protecting me from danger and harm. I know that when You speak, it is settled in Heaven and on the Earth. Your Word has the power to remove any mountain that blocks my path. It is the power in Your words that formed the sea, sky and land … and it’s the same power that sustains them all to this day. Because I am like a flower or field of grass, I will fade away … but I know that You and Your words will never fade away. Heaven and Earth will pass away, but Your words will last for eternity. The entrance of Your words has opened my eyes in a way that has turned me from darkness into Your light … released me from the powers of Satan into Your waiting arms … exchanged the price I owed for my sins for eternal life … and, given me an inheritance in place of my poverty. These things all illustrate the awesome power of Your Word. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Hebrews 4:12 For the Word of God is living and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joint and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.